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Health/Damage options

By Xena the divine at 16 Dec 2016, 15:52:52

As the big discuss in shoutbox about killing,
Maybe a Health option put in, and when you attack you do a xx amounth of damage instead of killing or missing, in this way people can protect them selfes?
Just an idea...


By Retribution at 16 Dec 2016, 20:01:11

Dont like this idea, and here's why:
Players can actively choose to build a defence/offence orrientated account or a combination of both, each has its own advantages ofc. Should one miss, shows you've trained enough defence and you can choose to reconsile the attack. Should you be hit (dead), it shows you've just not trained enough defence. Makes it also more interesting to choose which players not to cross.. All part of becoming the most powerfull knight of SK ;)

Even the quest rewards have given player more possibilities to focuss on defence, which is an outstanding solution for those who just want to be 'peacefull' all along.

By Shandala of heaven at 16 Dec 2016, 22:37:07

Again option to have protection turned off is best so ppl who like killing an fighting can do it from the getgo. An u say people will actually make friends, bs bro. Im nice to everyone an just play an rank an still i get attacked. So your "friend" thoughts is nay in these newer versions. so 2nd thing the health thing is okay but unless ur super active isnt the best either, but an ok thought.

By Templar the divine at 18 Dec 2016, 05:55:45

Doesn's feel like it's the right move for this game really, i've seen it in several other game's and most the time while playing them i just wished i could one shot a couple of people lol
i think if you know if someone hit's you that's it, you're dead....kinda give's you a reason to put more effort into you're account in the first place =)

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