1. P33ps-
2. -Bayman-
3. Swiffel
4. PalmTree
5. Azurik
6. Sarpedon
7. Losevar
8. fym3
9. Aragon-
10. Nonoking-
11. Disturbed
12. Air-boss
13. AngelOfDeath
14. MiRaGe
15. Demon
16. buzzz
17. BotServ
18. Tom-Cruise
19. stardust
20. Nick_Serv
21. granpah
22. ZehLoz
23. sliver
24. Denon
25. Caqo
26. Marafice
27. coolex-
28. corporal2
29. Genesis
30. sliver-5
31. ZEUS
32. 0M3N
33. -Jroen
34. Moonspell
35. gamed-
36. Shorty
37. AngelOfGod
38. WitchKing
39. Divinity
40. --SaSa--
41. danm
42. -Soad98-
43. Exorcist
44. 9mmgun
45. Agenor
46. dfreaper
47. Epita
48. VeryoN_
49. Leader
50. Whiteknight
51. -Kaoak
52. Bleeding
53. knorretje4
54. Fatal
55. BloodSheder
56. Heavenly
57. Baantjer
58. Windseeker
59. idioot
60. GraveDigger-
61. reddevill
62. Darkset
63. Goddess
64. NoBuNagA
65. Generation
66. Sora-
67. -Decline
68. Interceptor
69. L337
70. lord jing
71. _sliver_
72. -SDB-
73. Marauding_Cap
74. Amplifier
75. Scyra
76. Shocklat-
77. Extreme
78. Boney
79. BloodyAngel
80. eagle
81. Daffodil
82. snitz
83. Czarka
84. jroen_
85. Lijntje
86. BeoPuppy
87. Sky-Walker
88. Mytry2
89. -Troy-
90. -Agemox-
91. KLPD
92. lord yang_
93. White Angel
94. Spasavaj
95. Matte
96. Malossi
97. Sliv3r-
98. Silent
99. platinum
100. Gracula
101. Tension
102. NightMare
103. Fairplay
104. gamed
105. Deadly-Viper
106. -MrBishnakov-
107. who--knows
108. stealth
109. colossus
110. Genesis-
111. Swaffel
112. Bayman
113. Pittbul
114. Quake
115. c0uld
116. Radboud
117. kornoa
119. Crazy
120. __ukboxer__
121. SexyladY-
122. President
123. Qadesh_
124. Axte
125. nonomaster2
126. Respond
127. MissSelena
128. BlueSky
129. Caps Lock
130. Boromir
131. Denon---
132. Angelo Bruno
133. TheOne
134. ChessMaster7
135. Whise
136. jan_
137. Vincent
138. Amore
139. stonedjunk2
140. -nonotje-
141. debrutsiD
142. Roadrunner
143. Zena
144. CRaZy-IvaN
145. CanadianNinja
146. Shike
147. mr-innocent
148. lord yang-
149. likmunballen
150. -Cyrax
151. Dark Vampire
152. shot
153. Dani-Cesium
154. -fallout
155. --SRV--
156. White Knight
157. Cthulhu
158. -Pollution-
159. GunFire
160. Porthos
161. El_Comandante
162. 1dayfly
163. Out of Luck
164. Gladiator
165. Bronze Dragon
166. Jail-Braker
167. melodys
168. Mytry1
169. DraafGracula
170. FrankieG-
171. SoulOfHell
172. VeryoN
173. -Black-Devil-
174. DravinGracula
175. DranzO-
176. Hoof
177. -nono-
178. Pittbull
179. Kasabian
180. ukboxer
181. FrankieG
182. Jesali
183. Teh Vampire
184. -WitchKing
185. DarkRain
186. Sward
187. Dark-Side
188. Mytryl
189. -twojoints-
190. -Mytryl
191. MrSoad98
192. jeroen
193. Revanger
194. Appelflap
195. -shin-
196. Grey-
197. L1neage
198. twojoints1
199. Forever_Yours
200. Ev0L Pwnage
201. Zelda-
202. DisCover
203. Mad-Dog
204. _Demon_
205. snap niet
206. king-arthur
207. lordlistig6
208. Twisted
209. Exellady
210. Dyann
211. TheL337
212. -Hunny
213. mingo
214. henk
215. -patrickjuh-
216. Dani-Cesium3
217. wello
218. LordListig
219. RazoR
220. DonDinges
221. Anger
222. Constanza
223. AerialSX
224. Akio
225. -Rebourne-
226. Purity
227. Charley-
228. brandnew
229. Moonlight
230. ARROW
231. -PaTaPoFoS-
232. AngeI
233. Dolore
234. -Elm-
235. Insane Indian
236. Declined
237. Sanada
238. Unexist
239. Dani-Cesium11
240. pandapchan1
241. Disciple
242. BlaZe
243. van_helsing
244. --SBD--
245. Jen
246. -Cockroach-
247. Guest
248. Dreaming
249. angel heart
250. Sky_Walker
251. pussy
252. -Kapak-
253. _Peeps_
254. SaSa
255. Locke Dessan
256. Mysterio
257. -Kapak
258. Twinkel
259. Pharaoh
260. jojo
261. koempel
262. ayman
263. stormtrooper
264. Sephiroth-
265. murder_back_
266. Luna
267. The-Hammer
268. superharfie
269. Dylanjer
270. huNda
271. RiffRaff
272. triest
273. c-o-u-l-d
274. Tediz
275. EyE3197
276. FFAF
277. Zaphir
278. PKakaTDD
279. Veinsplitter
280. Flibble
281. _nonoking_
282. LordListig1
283. LostProphet
284. -hathor-
285. Regulator
286. Mother
287. Wanda
288. Hektor
289. DarthTyranus
290. Corrion
291. -RobinHood-
292. MrPb
293. Swamp
294. Esmeralda
295. RenWeg
296. Vision
297. fretho
298. motherangel
299. Never_Winter
300. Dissy
301. Mosher Pitt
302. lordlistig4
303. pyro_scorpion
304. Sekhmet
305. Moron inc
306. Luscious
307. NiGhT-MaRe
308. Konda
309. nissie
310. AmbiguouS
311. Jesali1
312. Floater
313. woffer
314. IsNotAlone
315. Argon
316. DonFischero
317. real-murder
318. Digger
319. Bl44t
320. Morales
321. Ahmose Sipar
322. nemo
323. Unequiped
324. Kadaj
325. Ojama Green
326. Heaven
327. Freelancer
328. mamvanCalista
329. B0unce
330. Zucca
331. Menace
332. Sisley
333. Spookeh
334. Money bags
335. DreamGirl
336. NewHere
337. scared-knight
338. Klixx
339. Wofking9
340. -himself
341. god_like
342. hathor
343. Jrump23
344. hellboy
345. Lady luck
346. slick
347. Harmonixer
348. Oreste
349. -Acid
350. who--cares
351. _Mies_
352. Bruza
353. Sektor
354. Wormpje
355. litlle-boss
356. real_murder
357. SoldieR
358. Sidious
359. Zeh_Mytryl
360. -SaSa
361. Galgamesh
362. who-cares
363. snatch
364. Kashmir-
365. Milk
366. Valentine
367. Dutch
368. White-Angel-
369. lOve
370. knorretje2
371. PaTaPoFoS
373. Balance
374. -baalberith-
375. CellarDoor
376. lisa
377. PuSSyCaTt
378. Aragorn
379. Bloody-Hell
380. -Cyrax-
381. Kalliope
382. Lew-Hawk
383. Dani-Cesium10
384. nerd
385. Moon Knight
386. pinkmelodies
387. n00b
388. _Tediz_
389. TyrAnt
390. fichie
391. Kapak
392. -colossus
393. RevEnge
394. corporal
395. Aspe
396. Ezrael
397. Acid-
398. Bother
399. nono
400. Sir-CarloT
401. BrizenCorbin
402. Ishido
403. -white knight
404. -Alber-
405. Haggis
406. adriaantje
407. wiccaned
408. haha
409. Flashattack
410. Conker
411. PKakaTDDv2
412. draco
414. Bloody hell
415. Pollution
416. Goddess-
417. fretho2
418. ZetalorD
419. -Bravo-Six-
420. Starlight
421. Strangeley
422. Cap_Maged2000
423. Valdemort
424. Hunny
425. skull
426. _Peeps-
427. Neutral
428. GoldMember
429. -fallout-
430. SinasAppelSap
431. -Dissolution-
432. Quatz
433. Ev0l
434. -Selena-
435. Syddeh
436. Abomination
437. Blackie
438. SexyladY
439. WaitAndBleed
440. fearsofsyn
441. FaithFull
442. Pramdic
443. GravePact
444. StaryDusty
445. -Sickness-
446. silencer2
447. Sintexu
448. tokaisi
449. sniper
450. soul_of_hell
451. Ichi
452. Noet
453. Spinnaker
454. PKsPromotions
455. Raulzzz
456. ChanServ
457. Jebby
458. -Dribbel-
459. Isting
460. RoninKai
461. Chizel
462. alex
463. Stevie
464. ThE_EviL-SOuL
465. Blax
466. missme
467. Angelinside
468. dommert
469. Purple_Dragon
470. Tomadu
471. pandapchan
472. Breed
473. Pulse
474. black-angels
475. Kaiser
476. goldenpower
477. Xenon
478. Ambience-
479. Miss_Diavon
480. Arbosh
481. CrazySpike
482. --God--
483. Jaoquim
484. Charley
485. evildemon
486. CampHoer
487. ophidian
488. brad-bitt2
489. Lokey
490. -Toetje
491. _UKBOXER_
492. Xerox
493. Spike
494. Out-of-luck
495. Phreak-
496. ThE-eViL-sOuL
497. Night_Hawkv3
498. Allen Iverson
499. bloeper
500. kari
501. Enterprise
502. -Massacre
503. Mr_salah
504. The_Dark
505. Buxaplenty
506. Overflow
507. -Van Helsing-
508. Bandito
509. glijbaan
510. Perish
511. DrL0ve
512. Torturer
513. Bloodymess
514. kyra-
515. destroy
516. Rametes
517. Weylin
518. wolfslayer
519. Wofking10
520. Killeh
521. sexygirll
522. MiTsO
523. huftah
524. chris
525. Wobbuffet
526. short-stay
527. DoBaRdeGuN
528. Misery
529. Ronin
530. Abeni
531. Bloodshedder
532. Wazzipi
533. Hephaestus
534. Pauler
535. Izmir Stinger
536. likmunbal
537. Marauding Cap
538. Exodia
539. NickServ-
540. pispaaltje
541. hassan
542. HaRdy
543. Slopey
544. Lord Griffen
545. Lilith
546. Dreamdealer
547. murder-back-
548. Exile
549. The-One
550. Santos
551. graveyard-
552. Defiance
553. Shadowspirit
554. -Roffle
555. Dyonisius
556. goldknight
557. Chaosphere
558. Klaziena-
559. EnemY
560. Viruz
561. faas
562. _Grey_
563. grimreaper
564. enemy
565. Reaper
566. Hermes
567. fallen Angel
568. lordlistig5
569. Acid
570. Tsxy
571. bruno
572. EliteWun
573. --Valentine--
574. Cyrax
575. GorGoN
576. dragon-
577. DanYe Heights
578. -BloodSheder-
579. knorretje3
580. Sephrioth
581. Trust
582. JahJah
583. -blikje-
584. Bluesummers
585. Found
586. canie
587. Inferno
588. Selena
589. Vocal
590. Lance-A-Lot
591. SiluCremin
592. Yubei
593. midget
594. MrDanger
595. -Grim
596. fenixo
597. mister-d--
598. evil-bunny
599. Daniel19
600. black-devil
601. Massacre
602. rens_angel
603. -Light
604. Sonne
605. Darunia
606. AppelSap
607. Executioner
608. wega
609. _Stalker_
610. WitchiesSlave
611. Klutch
612. Caleb
613. Galbatorix
614. WofKing3
615. -wega
616. SoUl-0f-HeLL
617. Assassin
618. Diaper GirI
619. -PuSSyCat-
620. TwelveStones
621. beezelbub
622. evil_clown
623. mistah_jenso
624. green hill
625. Alpha-One
626. UnLucky
627. real-murder_
628. demonnlmj
629. troyan knight
630. Nuked
631. Draaf_Gracula
632. Hells_Ruler90
633. Schjipsch
634. Omega
635. Gijs
636. Lato
637. powwow
638. SaSaa
639. Pr0ximituS
640. Independant
641. Mytry3
642. Futuregirl
643. Pitbulll
644. Tunder
645. shin
646. phyton
647. Sfa7
648. -NickServ
649. mattjo boy
650. MooseHumper
651. frankenstein
652. Kill-Bill
653. Sonatu
654. lordlistig3
655. Blossom
656. Bear
657. Van_Helsing-
658. Maxxx
659. flyzer0
660. landsoflore
661. murder-back_
662. -ReVeNgE-
663. Epsilon
664. Beta
665. Fantasy_Queen
666. -KeM-
667. Inspiration
668. random
669. sexsex
670. Schoonmoeder
671. leaver
672. G-unot
673. Impossible
674. CrimePassion
675. Flawless-
676. _Darunia_
677. Ifrit
678. KillerDog
679. drakar
680. don_salieri
681. The-Saint
682. Aviator
683. Cehhan
684. hardcore
685. Orcs
686. Qadesh
687. kratos
688. slash
689. djokaef
690. Brutal
691. 2337
692. just a guy
693. frgt10
694. BubbleCum
695. dowdle
696. Third
697. candy
698. Johnny_Tapia
699. LordListig2
700. Orland0
701. EzRa
702. Ortega
703. Chorlton
704. inboX
705. _Kletza_
706. TheHunter
707. Imation
708. Mobstar
709. davy-Q
710. Ojama Black
711. blasphemy
712. ace_of_blades
713. dark_angel
714. Wiglur
715. Griswold
716. callaway
717. Sperec
718. kpl_geurts
719. gaar
720. thuglove101
721. CrazyAsShit
722. scorpios
723. MemoServ
724. Soldaatje
726. Dani-Cesium15
727. bowee
728. Unholy-Knight
729. StopKillingMe
730. Van Helsing
731. debby
732. kakanaba
733. Fallen-Angel
734. katu
735. FinePix
736. Mr_Knight
737. Dyhlirdyh
738. Evil Knight
739. Far Seer
740. gangstarr
741. Big Monkey
742. fastxfurious
743. PuSSyCat
744. sweetie
745. Frostbite
746. Flawless
747. Don Doggy
748. el_capuchino
749. Killer_Chik
750. knorretje
751. -Zucr
752. Mission
753. kyra
754. spyro
755. Tsuki
756. spider
757. -Silencer-
758. Fo-XPrivate
759. WofKing2
760. To7Fa
761. lurts
762. Bahamut
763. the-movies
764. JuSTeN
765. _jeroen_
766. Zucr
767. S_pwn
768. seanalizer
769. spear
770. sacred_boi
771. nazgul
772. _manga
773. Schildknaap
774. _couto_
775. Blossom_
776. Forbidden
777. Shiva
778. -nonoking-
779. Qoiz
780. dragon-lady
781. Spanish Eyes
782. SexbomB
783. Queenie
784. waffel
785. Erres
786. drone
787. Misteria
788. WofKing6
789. JonnyRocket
790. Hacker
791. Mojiva
792. TheDomain
793. Pwing
794. Merlinjr
795. Alpha
796. manga3
797. heavenman
798. Dotink
799. Flame
800. likkie
801. SaSa-
802. Max-master6
803. Horshak
804. Falco
805. MixxiM
806. Darkie
807. DestinySt0rm
808. putdeksel
809. paintballer
810. Doc_Holiday
811. anoniem
812. mistah_jensow
813. pony
814. MaraudingCapt
815. No Love
816. -Guest-
817. kingdwerg
818. Leo-D
819. _jojoman_
820. ikarA
821. -Charley
822. why not
823. Berone
824. Moska
825. Voldemort
826. Mihyn
827. _VeryoN
828. evil-guwly
829. jojoman
830. teun
831. _Suppose_
832. -cockroach
833. Sir Ripper
834. Killer_Chick
835. market
836. Dragoon
837. FreakeR
838. Predators
839. xlepas
840. xaerialx
841. TheDomain2
842. --Destiny--
843. col-in
844. -Gracula-
845. Summer
846. Hunt3r
847. angie
848. _VeryoN_
849. Terror
850. Loki
851. Mr Peer
852. 0rk0
853. Sam-Fisher
854. Tiger
855. chara-ashe
856. Knabobar
857. Ojama Yellow
858. mrtijn
859. -Sonatu
860. an0pha
861. -S-pwn
862. Light
863. simpel-
864. Plague
865. The Game
866. Gwendolina-
867. BotaAbaixo
868. Missile
869. rohirim
870. Vengeance
871. Jahova
872. hydroman
873. -Denon-
874. Pacifier
875. Nyhte-
876. crickymcfur
877. Erhm
878. -dribbel
879. Wofking4
880. HERA-
881. Lethal
882. Xiaoyu
883. Sacredknight
884. LolliPop
885. Matodon
886. me-again
887. snats
888. xannn88
889. Be Easy
890. Zucht
891. Cloud
892. -theone-
893. _-Hylian-_
894. Cinderella
895. wello211
896. Red-devil
897. God_Slayer
898. Cockroach
899. aboshefa
900. _NickServ_
901. Impressionist
902. himself
903. Virus
904. GrindStone
905. Daemia
906. Invincible
907. Dranzo
908. Merlin
909. Cleopatra D C
910. ukboxer-
911. Thunderbolt
912. Grottmar
913. bertus
914. cucaracha
915. -ukboxer-
916. Snake_19
917. Blossom-
918. Silencer
919. Explosive
920. Melchia
921. -Majmun-
922. K_O_K
923. Night_Mare
924. Whitey
925. SaSa_6
926. -jeroen_
927. Rupert
928. -Ambience-
929. Izzem
930. Orko
931. Sandman
932. Nemesis-
933. ShadOw
934. Enerxyzer
935. Goedeavond
936. miss
937. Crow
938. -WilD-
939. 50 pence
940. Dark Assassin
941. --Sin-man--
942. Global_World
943. Dribbel
944. pretpik
945. Fritz
946. Prong
947. drakar1
948. Rekard
949. Shake
950. poep_hoofd
951. -Goddess
952. snapte
953. WOFer
954. -Defiance-
955. Lisa Marie
956. Chark
957. darkwonderer
958. Gods_Of_War
959. Aerials
960. MindControl
961. girll
962. Night_Hawkv1
963. ViCaR_OmEn
964. Grassus
965. Elisa
966. NightWish
967. kobrakai
968. DavidSmith
969. xannn
970. -sliver-
971. White Angel-
972. Destiny
973. Hwoarang
974. Azumi
975. Goep-
976. Wazzipi5
977. baalberith
978. EvilIndian
979. wutu
980. dark angel
981. _silencer_
982. Quit
983. okay
984. 3337
985. Kang
986. Yes-R
987. Kaliboy
988. -xYz-
989. Alive
990. Paapie_NL
991. Changer
992. dwaas
993. blikje
994. Woffertje
995. Number6
996. Kalif
997. Xtram
998. -superharfie-
999. stringless1
1000. undercover